Saturday, December 18, 2010

This year is so much better than last year

It truly is. While it's still hard, it in no way compares to last year. We went out shopping today for some of the last gifts. It's so much easier when S is with me. I did start to cry in JCP; we were in the kids section and there was a Hispanic family, and their daughter... And I looked over to the underwear shelves and started to cry. The last time i'd been there I was buying 10 (or something like that, I had to make multiple trips to the counter) packages of underwear and socks and so happy to be doing it! So we left rapidly.

But i was able to continue on.


Anne said...

I'm glad it is easier for you this year than last year. I know it will never go back to as it was before, but I'm glad it isn't quite so paralyzing for you now.

Wendi and Benjamin Wood said...

When grieving...the loss never goes away, just gets somewhat easier to deal with... much love to you both!